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What's In Your Weekly Manufacturing Production Report?

By Jack Shannon on 5/31/23 12:45 AM


Production reporting is about the data

I’m a big believer in measuring what you want to improve. Measuring gives you data and you’ll see trends (good or bad) emerge. Figure out what is causing the good trends and keep doing that. Maybe you can even find ways to make the good trends better. Figure out what is causing the bad trends and find ways to stop doing that; or at least, minimize it.

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Why Hire a Management Consultant?

By John Altstadt on 5/26/23 10:15 AM


Management consultants help businesses develop strategies, find opportunities, solve problems, and support management that they don’t have the time, resources, or specific expertise to do themselves. It is estimated that 72% of manufacturing companies in the U.S. have engaged a management consultant at one time or another. Based on an annual survey by Guiding Metrics, 87% of the companies that used a management consulting company were highly satisfied with the results, and 78% hired the management consultant for another engagement. For most companies who have chosen to seek this kind of help, it has clearly provided value.

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ERP Vision Statement: An Example to Get You Started

By Bryan Foshee on 3/15/23 10:00 AM

What is a vision statement?

Most people have heard of a mission statement, but a vision statement is typically less well known. While there is some overlap, there is a distinct difference between the two. To put it simply, a mission statement describes what a company is doing to achieve its goals today, and a vision statement describes what a company wants to achieve in the future.

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Standard Costing Options for Manufacturers

By Tim O'Brien on 3/8/23 10:00 AM

When is standard costing the best option?

The Visual South team works with hundreds of manufacturers with varying manufacturing modes. Many of our customers fall in the “to order” category. That means they are mostly make-to-order; and within that category they are either engineer-to-order, configure-to-order, assemble-to-order, project based, and mixed mode (they build some sub-assemblies to stock that can be used as a component part, finished good, or replacement part). The predominant costing method for “to order” companies is actual costing.

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What Goes Into an ERP Implementation Testing Process?

By Bryan Foshee on 3/1/23 10:00 AM

What is testing and why is it important?

Visual South has implemented countless companies on a new ERP. If we look through the lens of an ERP implementation—meaning a company is leaving a legacy system or systems, and migrating to a completely new ERP—testing is when we make sure we are comfortable with how everything has been set up. Testing in ERP implementation reduces the risk of discovering misalignment or problems AFTER go live. We want to unearth and solve as many problems as possible BEFORE go live. If testing reveals the ERP has been set up correctly, then it will be able to support the new procedures and processes once it is live.

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The Process of Choosing, Implementing, and Successfully Using an ERP System (4-Chapter Guide)

By Jack Shannon on 2/22/23 10:00 AM



Buying ERP is a big deal. I know because I’ve done it. I was a Plant Manager in the mid-90s, and we were running production with a homegrown system that could not be modified because we didn’t have the source code. It was better than nothing, but not by much. We were not managing our capacity, our scheduling consisted of pushing product through the plant day in and day out. It was exhausting, and our on-time delivery range fluctuated from OK to bad. The results we got did not reflect the work we put into it.

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How to Draw Up Your ERP Data Migration Plan in 6 Steps

By Tim O'Brien on 2/9/23 10:00 AM

Data migration is an important part of an ERP implementation

The Visual South Professional Services team has been guiding and assisting Infor ERP implementation since 1994. One critical part in the implementation process is managing and converting data from your current system(s) to your new ERP application. Those activities happen throughout the ERP implementation project, not just at the beginning. This article explains how you can properly execute this activity in six clear steps.

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ERP Implementation Project Plan & Timeline (2023)

By Nick Mendolia on 2/9/23 8:48 AM


There’s a method to ERP implementation plans and timelines

Creating an ERP implementation timeline can be a difficult process. There is no standard template that will magically fit all projects, as every one is unique. No two businesses, even in the exact same industrial segment, are alike. Each has a different scope, team, and availability. However, what’s typically the same for just about all small to medium-sized ERP implementations are the core phases and tasks to get from purchasing your new solution, to going live with it, and beyond. This blog will discuss Visual South’s methodology for an ERP implementation project plan.

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Infor ERP Software: Everything You Need to Know (2023)

By Jack Shannon on 2/8/23 10:49 AM


Infor is the third largest ERP solutions provider in the world. The two main Infor ERP solutions we (at Visual South) help manufacturers implement are Infor CloudSuite Industrial (Infor SyteLine) and Infor VISUAL. In this guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know about Infor and its ERP software options. Click the links below to jump to specific chapters.

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What an ERP System Does Not Include

By Jack Shannon on 2/7/23 10:00 AM

ERP solutions don’t have everything

Evaluating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is not an easy task. Naturally, your focus will probably be on finding a system that is a good match for your company. Much of the criteria used to judge the software will likely be based on what features and functions it has or doesn’t have. That’s reasonable, but limiting your evaluation to features and functions will not give you everything needed to make a great ERP decision for the company. To make a great decision, you also need to consider factors outside the ERP system.

Topics: ERP research
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