Why Power BI Reporting & Analytics?

Visualize your data.

From executive dashboards to detailed audit trails and everything in-between, our Power BI Reporting Services can turn your ERP data into clear insights needed to make good business decisions.

Access your data visualization with any device at any time.

Power BI Reporting Services knocks down the barriers between the data in your data sources and the information you need to run your business, regardless of the time of day or the device you want to use to see it.

Transform into a data-driven organization.

Decisions need to be made; even if the data needed to make a good decision isn't available. If it's not available, decisions are made by gut feel. That's not the best strategy to pull the company forward. The best strategy is to have - and use - the data needed. Using data to drive results changes the culture in the organization.

Want to talk about Power BI & ERP?

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Power BI could revolutionize your business by turning your ERP data into clear insights. But we won't know until we talk it through.

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Power BI Reporting Services Features

The data is there – use it

Your ERP system contains the data you need to make good business decisions. Invest the time into creating a methodology to deliver fresh data in a timely, repeatable fashion over and over again.

On-going data cleansing

Data that is not used becomes corrupted. Mistakes are made and no one notices, so the mistakes continue. When data is used – and depended on – mistakes are noticed and fixed. Processes are strengthened

No limits to data sources

Your ERP will be the main source of data for your data visualization. However, other critical sources may be needed to present the whole picture. For example, sales data is in the ERP might need data in CRM to provide a clearer picture for your KPI. No problem with Power BI.

Supports centralized reports and self-service

A good data strategy creates data cubes that are used for known reports for known employees. Those same data cubes can be used for the self-service reports needed from time to time. Data can easily be pushed to Excel for further analysis.

We have used Power BI to integrate our ERP, QMS, HRIS, and machine control data. It has created a culture where employees use data to make informed decisions in many functional areas, including Sales Operations, Production, HR, and Quality. This has transformed how we run the business, resulting in increased profitability.

Robert Boody

President and CEO, Structure Medical

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