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Infor VISUAL 10: What’s New?

9/8/21 10:30 AM


The latest and greatest for VISUAL

Infor VISUAL 10 was released in December 2020, and quite a few features were added. There are many resources that go into great detail about the new functionality, including release notes, but here are the highlights we think are most important to know. If you want more details, go to the Visual South VISUAL upgrade page here.

The basics

Infor typically adds a variety of usability enhancements in each release and VISUAL 10 is no different. The vast majority of these changes are requested by users, and are therefore spread across the application. These are some highlights:

  • Security - Single sign-on at the user level, the ability to secure the use of macros, and forcing users to change their passwords.
  • Finance - Added functionality around closing periods, the ability to recalculate standard costs of parts, and journal entry description enhancements.
  • Manufacturing/Inventory - Use status functionality on parts, the ability to reset standards on a select list of parts, UPC code enhancements, and additional physical inventory enhancements.

The biggest item: Shop Floor Mobile

Infor has been putting quite a bit of focus on the Shop Floor Mobile functionality in VISUAL, which allows users to perform numerous transactions via mobile devices. VISUAL 10 includes several enhancements to Shop Floor Mobile. The solution now offers:

  • Work in Process (WIP) - At a high level, WIP allows the user to create “move requests.” When product is received and required for a work order in process, the move requests manage the process of taking the product from where it is received to where it is needed on the shop floor. WIP also includes functionality to manage these requests, view them in queue, etc. But most exciting is that this can all be performed on mobile devices.
  • Physical Inventory Counts
  • Shipment Transactions

For a full demo of all of the Shop Floor Mobile functionality, take a look here.

Related: Digitally Transform Your Processes with VISUAL Shop Floor Mobile

Related: Guide to VISUAL Shop Floor Mobile Licensing

In conclusion

There were lots of enhancements to VISUAL in release 10, and above are only a few. These features are built with manufacturing companies in mind, especially the thousands of companies that use VISUAL every day to run their business.

If you run VISUAL, and are interested in upgrading, click here to visit our upgrade portal and get all of the information you need.

Related: What to Expect During a VISUAL Upgrade

Related: Exploring the New Features in VISUAL 11 ERP


Are you evaluating ERP and want to talk to someone who is not in sales, but has decades of ERP experience? Click here to view our evaluation portal and/or set up a free consultation with Jack Shannon, the President of Visual South.

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Bryan Foshee

Written by Bryan Foshee

Bryan is the President at Visual South and has been working with the company since 2002. Prior to that, he was a consultant and implemented SAP in manufacturing, distribution, and service industries.