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The Best Features of VISUAL Time and Attendance

11/11/20 10:00 AM


What is VISUAL Time and Attendance (VTA)?

VTA is exactly what it sounds like: it is a time and attendance solution for your employees. A lot of VISUAL customers use the labor barcoding or new Shop Floor Mobile applications to track the time of employees doing direct work on jobs. VTA allows you to do the same, plus much, much more!

What are some of VTA’s top features?

There are quite a few features in VTA. Below are some highlights, in no particular order:

  1. Time collection for both direct AND indirect employees. VTA is integrated with VISUAL ERP and provides a front end for creating labor tickets in VISUAL ERP. VTA also allows you to track the time of indirect, or what it calls “timesheet” employees. These are typically salaried employees, and you are simply tracking their attendance for payroll purposes.
  2. Functionality to make your shop floor paperless. Instead of having paper travelers on the floor, employees can search for work orders within the software and clock into them. They can view any associated documents online as well.
  3. Supervisor approval workflows. You can see more detail in my blog here, but at a high level, supervisors can see, approve, and edit the timesheets of their direct reports. Additionally, payroll supervisors can approve the time of supervisors and employees.
  4. Integration with third-party payroll systems. Once the time you are tracking in VTA is approved, the integration functionality allows you to seamlessly send it to your payroll solution for processing.
  5. Functionality to pay your non-hourly employees. VTA has tools to handle piece-rate compensation models, for example, and also has enhanced functionality if you have unique requirements around different employee time shifts.

Anything else?

One of the lesser known benefits of using VISUAL Time and Attendance is that you automatically get the full suite of Shop Floor Mobile. You can learn more about the scheduling, labor, and material functionality in Shop Floor Mobile here. When you combine the functionality of Shop Floor Mobile and VTA, you have an end-to-end solution for time, material, and attendance tracking.

Meet your goals with VTA

Shop floor scheduling is a goal many companies have as part of an overall ERP strategy. VISUAL Time and Attendance has the tools to enable this goal. When used in conjunction with Shop Floor Mobile, VTA provides a powerful process to capture, approve, and process payment for employee time worked. This gives you accurate costs, real-time job tracking, and visibility into your profitability. If you are using VISUAL ERP and are interested in learning more about VTA, and we will get in touch.

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Bryan Foshee

Written by Bryan Foshee

Bryan is the President at Visual South and has been working with the company since 2002. Prior to that, he was a consultant and implemented SAP in manufacturing, distribution, and service industries.