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Tim O'Brien

Tim has over 20 years of successful experience helping companies improve their processes and operations using enterprise software solutions. Those enterprise solutions include Enterprise Resource Planning for manufacturers, Service Management for service oriented companies, and Enterprise Asset Management in the process manufacturing industry.

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Benefits of CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) on the Shop Floor

By Tim O'Brien on 8/28/19 10:00 AM

Shop floor execution for to order manufacturers

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) is a purpose-built ERP application for those in the discrete manufacturing sector, with specific focus on To Order manufacturers and mixed-mode manufacturers that build to order and to stock. If your company fits within these categories, there are many benefits of using Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) ERP on the shop floor, as well as throughout the entire organization.  

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What’s in Development for Infor VISUAL?

By Tim O'Brien on 7/10/19 10:00 AM

Pushing out faster releases and new functionality for VISUAL ERP

Infor has released more functional enhancements for VISUAL ERP in the last 24 months than we normally see. Infor VISUAL ERP Product Manager Rich Lagoy and the VISUAL ERP steering committee are driving out new functionality at a faster pace than before, delivering quarterly updates to the large VISUAL ERP user base and new sales customers.

Topics: ERP selection
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How to Reduce Manufacturing Lead Time by Optimizing Your ERP

By Tim O'Brien on 5/22/19 10:00 AM

Reducing Manufacturing Lead Time

Many of the manufacturers our team speaks with have put improving lead time at the top of their priority list. That’s no big surprise—lead time can be a determinant in winning new customers, driving business growth, and achieving on-time delivery.

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The History & Evolution of ERP Applied to Your System

By Tim O'Brien on 4/10/19 10:00 AM

Times they are a changin'

A quick review of ERP history and the evolution of ERP systems will show there are three primary, interrelated drivers: technology, functionality, and usability.

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Is Big Data in Manufacturing a New Buzzword or a New Tool?

By Tim O'Brien on 2/27/19 10:00 AM

What is big data?

The term big data may mean different things to different people and organizations.

Google’s dictionary defines big data as “extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.”

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How Infor ERP Helps Assemble-To-Order Manufacturers

By Tim O'Brien on 12/19/18 10:00 AM

Infor provides options

Infor provides ERP solutions that help manufacturers with all order modes, including assemble-to-order, make-to-order, configure-to-order, engineer-to-order, build-to-stock and forecast, and mixed-mode production. Some Infor ERP solutions are manufacturing-centric—such as CloudSuite Industrial (Syteline) and Infor VISUAL—and manage all manufacturing modes, including assemble-to-order, very well.

Topics: ERP research
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IT's Role in ERP: Before, During & After the Selection Process

By Tim O'Brien on 11/14/18 10:00 AM

Include IT for the best results

The role of Information Technology (IT) in an ERP implementation project is very important. The IT manager should always be part of the project as their department will be responsible for assisting during the software evaluation, installing the software or connectivity, and providing the ongoing infrastructure support needed for an optimum-performing ERP system and environment.

Topics: ERP research
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Is It Possible to Have an ERP Free Trial?

By Tim O'Brien on 8/8/18 10:00 AM

ERP software free trials

Visual South is often asked by potential customers if it’s possible to try the Infor ERP software. The answer to that question is yes; we’d be happy to arrange a test drive of the software for you. However, we do ask that you complete a few steps prior to the ERP trial to ensure our software would be a good fit for your functionality needs and budget.

Topics: ERP selection
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Field Service Management App: What Features Do You Need?

By Tim O'Brien on 5/9/18 10:00 AM

Choosing field service management apps can be easy

The Visual South team frequently discusses the need for a foundation and process to ensure success when choosing enterprise systems. The same is true with field service management apps – if you have a plan, then it’s easy. If you don’t, then not so much. One way to hit that easy button is to learn how to select service management software as it will give you guidance on the steps to create a process and a plan.

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Is Unintegrated Software Hurting Your Field Service Management Process?

By Tim O'Brien on 4/25/18 10:00 AM

Unintegrated field service management systems are costly

Visual South engages with many clients simply because these businesses recognize their non-integrated systems are costing them a bundle to manually integrate and maintain, and limiting profitable growth. Typically, companies use an accounting system, and some combination of Excel and small stand-alone, third-party applications to address immediate needs, but those “Frankenstein” systems are costly and limiting. It would be easy to say this is hurting the user’s field service management process, but in many cases, there are no firm processes to hurt because there is no supporting infrastructure. However, there are many non-related and redundant tasks performed to manually tie information together.

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