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Nick Mendolia

Nick is the VP of Professional Services at Visual South and has been in the Manufacturing industry for over 30 years. He has been involved in many ERP implementations as both a customer and as a consultant. Nick has been with Visual South since 2003.

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How to Structure Your Manufacturing Capacity Planning

By Nick Mendolia on 5/31/23 7:30 AM

Planning for success

Capacity planning in manufacturing is a big job and sometimes an even bigger headache. The methods we’ve seen used to perform this task include spreadsheets, whiteboards, pencils and paper, a big stick, and ERP software. In many cases, it’s a combination of any of the above.

In this article, we will explain how to structure your manufacturing capacity planning to work in any software. Our goal is to eliminate the need for using the “non-software” options listed above (although the big stick can usually be reassigned elsewhere effectively).

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Business Process Review (BPR): 5 Steps to Include

By Nick Mendolia on 5/31/23 1:45 AM

Everyone needs a plan

Every organization should have an ongoing plan for continuous improvement. In a competitive environment, any chance to improve upon a process can provide the edge a company needs to survive—and ultimately thrive.  A good Business Process Review (BPR) template is a valuable first step in that plan.


What is a Business Process Review?

A business process review, which we refer to as an application process review in our services, is a project that aims to identify areas in your operations that can be enhanced and provide practical solutions to improve your use of software or procedures.


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ERP Implementation Project Plan & Timeline

By Nick Mendolia on 2/9/23 8:48 AM


There’s a method to ERP implementation plans and timelines

Creating an ERP implementation timeline can be a difficult process. There is no standard template that will magically fit all projects, as every one is unique. No two businesses, even in the exact same industrial segment, are alike. Each has a different scope, team, and availability. However, what’s typically the same for just about all small to medium-sized ERP implementations are the core phases and tasks to get from purchasing your new solution, to going live with it, and beyond. This blog will discuss Visual South’s methodology for an ERP implementation project plan.

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How to Use Infor ERP Correctly in Advanced Planning and Scheduling

By Nick Mendolia on 9/30/21 10:00 AM


Planning for success

Material planning and scheduling are perhaps the two most difficult processes for any manufacturing company to perfect. While the processes generally live in two different departments, the success of one is highly dependent on the success of the other. In this article, we will discuss Visual South’s methodology for implementation of the Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) functionality in manufacturing. I will use Infor CloudSuite Industrial as the ERP software of reference.

Related: CloudSuite Industrial: Run at Maximum Efficiency

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Manufacturing Data: What You Should Collect & Analyze

By Nick Mendolia on 7/24/19 10:00 AM


Manufacturing data: Where do I start?

With the continuous evolution of modern ERP software solutions, there is a growing number of manufacturing data collection and analysis options available to you. In this article, we’ll discuss a few manufacturing data points that provide a good overall view of your performance and how they fit together.

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3 Common VISUAL ERP Trainings That Make a Big Impact

By Nick Mendolia on 5/29/19 10:00 AM

Infor VISUAL ERP Training

As with any modern ERP software solution, getting the proper training on specific functional modules is necessary for initial and continued success. During implementation, you should be trained in all areas of the application.  However, for companies that have been using the VISUAL solution for some time, there are certain modules that we at Visual South recommend you take refresher courses on every so often.

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Why These Two Manufacturing ERP Modules are Most Important to Get Right

By Nick Mendolia on 4/24/19 10:00 AM

Why only two?

Dozens of modules are used in just about all manufacturing ERP implementations, so why would we only focus on two of them? Of course ALL modules are important, but these two have the greatest impact on the entire ERP system. 

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Manufacturing Database Backup Strategy for Companies Without IT Teams

By Nick Mendolia on 3/6/19 10:00 AM

Intended audience

As an ERP vendor for small and medium-sized manufacturers, we see a wide variety of tactics when it comes to managing information technologies. Some companies have a dedicated IT staff whose sole responsibility is keeping all servers, clients, networks, applications, and other related systems up and running. These companies typically also have a database administrator who insures all critical databases are properly backed up and maintained. However, we also commonly see manufacturers put less emphasis on IT. In other words, someone has been designated as the “IT” person, yet that is not their primary role.

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Top 10 Things I Wish My ERP Implementation Partner Told Me About

By Nick Mendolia on 10/24/18 10:00 AM

If only I had known…

...the “Top 10 Things I Wish My ERP Implementation Partner Told Me About.” This was the title of a session at a recent ERP user conference I attended. Naturally, as an ERP implementation vendor, I wanted to sit in and gain some perspective from a large group of customers.

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How to Make Manufacturing Data Matter

By Nick Mendolia on 9/19/18 10:00 AM

Data collection

It seems that “manufacturing data analytics” is the popular buzz term in every facility these days. Management concludes they must collect and analyze as much data as possible to identify trends and opportunities within the manufacturing process. Every sample of data should somehow equate to an ability to gain a competitive advantage. And yet the most common result is analysis paralysis.

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