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Bryan Foshee

Bryan is the Vice President at Visual South and has been working with the company since 2002. Prior to that, he was a consultant and implemented SAP in manufacturing, distribution, and service industries.

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3 Quality Control Measures In Manufacturing

By Bryan Foshee on 1/6/21 10:00 AM

Working toward a quality product

Manufacturing a quality product is at the top of the list for every manufacturer in order to obtain and keep customers. There are quality control measures that a lot of manufacturers use to control their quality, and a few of them are listed below:

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How Do You Define ERP?

By Bryan Foshee on 12/30/20 10:00 AM


What is ERP?

I have been in the ERP world for over 25 years—primarily in sales, but I’ve implemented ERP software for companies as well. My experience is largely in manufacturing environments, so that is the point of view from which I write this blog.

Topics: ERP research
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The Importance of ERP Data

By Bryan Foshee on 12/2/20 10:00 AM

Some background before we begin

I work with companies that are in all stages of their ERP journey. Some companies are looking to purchase and implement their first ERP system; they are typically trying to understand what ERP can do, how to evaluate vendors, and dreaming of the “to be” state they are trying to attain. On the other end of the spectrum are companies that have been running ERP for 25 years and longer. These clients are always trying to improve what they have and make themselves a better company. Whether your company is at the same stage as the former, the latter, or is somewhere in between, there is one fundamental truth you need to keep in mind: an ERP system is only as good as the data that is put in it. Let’s get a little background on the types of data an ERP needs before we get in to the importance of the data itself.

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The Best Features of VISUAL Time and Attendance

By Bryan Foshee on 11/11/20 10:00 AM

What is VISUAL Time and Attendance (VTA)?

VTA is exactly what it sounds like: it is a time and attendance solution for your employees. A lot of VISUAL customers use the labor barcoding or new Shop Floor Mobile applications to track the time of employees doing direct work on jobs. VTA allows you to do the same, plus much, much more!

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Shop Floor Scheduling in ERP Systems

By Bryan Foshee on 10/21/20 10:00 AM

Scheduling in your ERP is a great goal

I have been in the ERP world for close to 25 years, both as a consultant and salesperson. I’ve seen companies buy ERP for many reasons, but usually the driving factor has something to do with being able to use the system to schedule their shop floor. This is a fantastic goal. Not because shop floor scheduling with ERP sounds cool, but because to do it, you have to be good. Really good. The reason being that if you are going to have an algorithm in the software help you make valid decisions; you have to give it valid input. And that valid input has to come from almost every functional area in your organization. Everyone has to be on board!

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The Infor VISUAL Time and Attendance Function that Benefits Almost Every Manufacturer

By Bryan Foshee on 9/16/20 10:00 AM

Some background before we begin

The ability to understand your costs, manage your capacity, and accurately quote all depend on knowing what your labor costs are for each work order. Infor VISUAL customers typically use the labor barcoding functionality, or the brand-new Shop Floor Mobile solution to capture labor on their work orders. (If you would like to learn more about Shop Floor Mobile, click here to view a demo of each module.)

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The Main Benefit of ERP: Grow Without Adding Admin Overhead

By Bryan Foshee on 4/29/20 10:00 AM

Some background before we begin

I work with all sorts of companies and many of them already use an ERP, but many more do not and are evaluating solutions. You may think a lot of my conversations revolve around the software itself, explaining its functionality, the technology, how it’s licensed, etc. While I do have many detailed conversations about those things, most of my discussions center on what challenges businesses are having and how an ERP might benefit them. There are all sorts of reasons to implement and use an ERP, which vary from company to company. But one of the main benefits of ERP that is close to being universal for all companies is being able to control overhead costs.

Topics: ERP research
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Comparing Infor vs. SAP Ahead of SAP's 2025 Product Migration

By Bryan Foshee on 4/15/20 10:00 AM

Some background before we begin

I want to give a little background before we jump into the meat and potatoes here. I have been selling Infor ERP products since 2002 and spent 5 years as an SAP consultant prior to that. I’ve helped implement SAP from beginning to end in many companies, ranging from service providers and distributors, all the way to manufacturing companies. I’ve worked in small, midsize, and Fortune 100 companies in my different roles as a consultant, trainer, and project manager. I think my perspective can be helpful to someone currently running SAP who is faced with the forced transition to HANA by 2025.

Topics: ERP research
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Digitally Transform Your Processes with VISUAL Shop Floor Mobile

By Bryan Foshee on 4/1/20 10:00 AM

What is it?

VISUAL Shop Floor Mobile (SFM) is a solution that provides mobile functionality in the areas of Labor, Attendance, Materials, and Scheduling from a web application that allows you to deploy it on mobile devices such as scanners, tablets, and mobile phones. It takes the existing VISUAL functionality in these areas, and gives them a technology overhaul which provides a variety of benefits.  Better yet, there is a licensing option that gets you UNLIMITED licenses. These exciting new developments allow you to become more efficient by putting the solution in the hands of more users. The technology uplift allows more cost-effective hardware options, and provides a streamlined, modernized user experience.

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What Workflows & Processes are Supported in Manufacturing ERP Software?

By Bryan Foshee on 2/26/20 10:00 AM

A little background first…

ERP software is a tool that supports business processes and workflows. Some ERP software systems are generic while others are designed for particular industries. Visual South focuses on the manufacturing industry and our ERP solutions are designed for manufacturing companies—more specifically, order-driven manufacturers. Our customers are typically make-to-order, configure-to-order, engineer-to-order, make-to-stock, or a combination of all of the above. So, the ERP processes and workflows I cover in this article are primarily targeted toward manufacturing companies and their software.

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